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Kathleen Reynolds


Welcome to Dauntless in Denver. I created this blog when I lived in Denver. Though I now live in Cincinnati, my intent remains the same: to live a life free from the control of fear. That’s a hard goal, but an important one. Join me on my journey!

Winter European Adventure, Part 5: Tour With a Photojournalist

I woke up this morning around 8, as I had booked an Airbnb experience to learn how to make French macarons, and it started at 9. Just as I was about to leave, I got a message, asking if I could come this evening at 5:30 instead. The photoshoot I had scheduled for Tuesday had been moved to 2pm today (it was supposed to be stormy the next day), but I figured I could make both.

I was tired, so I went back to sleep until about 12. One of the realities of traveling while chronically ill is that you can never do as much as you want to.

I left my hotel, and walked about 30 minutes to a charming little hole-in-the-wall place, called Bears and Raccoons. It’s entirely gluten free, and they speak great English. I had an Italian sandwich, and a lemonade. Word of warning: they don’t put as much sugar in a lot of European drinks, so it can take some getting used to.

I got an Uber, and headed over to my meeting point for the photoshoot. There were four of us total, plus the photographer. The photographer, Arthur, is actually a professional French language photojournalist. He’s extremely tall, and a great person to meet and hang around with. He’s intelligent, hilarious, and has a real heart for human suffering.

The other three who had signed up for the shoot were also from the US. A couple from NYC, celebrating their one year dating anniversary, and a single Venezuelan woman who lives and works in Miami. She’s the first non-white person I have personally met who LOVES Trump. The other two (Latino guy and black woman) and I looked at each other like…whaaa. Arthur was a little taken aback as well.

Arthur took us all around the area of Paris near the Eiffel Tower, which is where he grew up. He told us about the history of the neighborhoods, and took us through some super rich areas. It was cool to look at places that all five of us combined could never afford.

We’d stop at cool places, and he’d take pics of us, as we wound our way around the area.

This pic was a little creepy, because there was a little old woman who kept staring at us from the downstairs window, just through the curtain crack.

Paris is a very dog friendly city, and this little Bichon was adorable and loved pets.

There are cafes everywhere, and they make for great photo ops.

This was the four of us. He did a few pics of the group, which was cool.

He was taking photos of people in front of the door, but the rocks made a natural chair, so I couldn’t resist.

Guys, I have short arms and legs. So the fact that I could touch either side of this alley struck me as hilarious. Of course, it was only ever intended as a walkway, built a few hundred years ago, but still.

This was kind of our awesome album cover pic. If only I didn’t have that plastic bag from Sergeant Major on me…

From here, we headed out towards one of the most famous bridges in Paris.

Yes, guys, that is the bridge from “Inception.” It’s a freaking awesome one, too. Also, I noticed, that after you’ve been there, you realize that it shows up in any show or movie that has five or more minutes of scenes taking place in Paris. It’s insane.

It’s also right by the Eiffel Tower.

And right off of Avenue du President Kennedy.

Apparently, the French are big fans.

Anyway, we ended the walk there. My phone and power bank were both drained, so I went into this little Mexican cafe, where I was able to talk to the staff better than most other places! They were kind enough to charge my phone enough that I could get home.

I was absolutely exhausted, so I just ordered gf pizza to my hotel room. Guys, this pizza was awesome, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

I just wish I remembered where I got it.

I ate, and immediately went to bed. I was beyond exhausted!

Have you ever gotten a photoshoot to commemorate a big trip? What did you think? Tell me about it in the comments!

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